Experts database

Chad McCail | Lecturer in Fine Art
Chad works within our Institute of Education, Arts and Society and currently teaches fine art.

Catherine Glynn | Professional Partnership Tutor
Catherine works within our Institute of Education, Arts and Society and currently teaches primary education.

Dr Alex Playford | Lecturer in Wildlife Media
Alex works within our Institute of Education, Arts and Society and currently teaches wildlife media.

Dr David F Murphy | Associate Professor of Sustainability
David works within our Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership and currently teaches sustainability, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, stakeholder management and partnerships.
David is also co-chair of the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership, which is is working towards the goal of net zero carbon emissions in Cumbria by 2037.

Dr Paul Ferguson | Senior Lecturer
Paul works within our Institute of Education, Arts and Society and currently teaches literature and culture.

Richard Doherty | Principal Lecturer - Initial Teacher Education Lead
Richard works within our Institute of Education, Arts and Society and currently teaches initial teacher education.

Dr Matthew Robson | Associate Professor
Matthew works within our Institute of Science and Environment and currently teaches forest ecology & climate.

Dr Richard Francksen | Senior Lecturer in Zoology
Richard works within our Institute of Science and Environment and currently teaches zoology.

Dr Richard Johnson | Associate Professor in Science and Environment
Richard works within our Institute of Science and Environment and currently teaches geography.

Professor Volker Deecke | Professor
Volker works within our Institute of Science and Environment and currently teaches wildlife conservation.

Kathryn Wain | Principal Lecturer
Kathryn works within our Institute of Health and currently teaches sport & health.

Dr Elizabeth Bates | Associate Professor - Family Violence & Abuse
Elizabeth works within our Institute of Health and currently teaches domestic violence and abuse.