Experts database

Paul Ferguson

Paul Ferguson | Senior Lecturer

Paul works within our Institute of Education, Arts and Society and currently teaches literature and culture. 

Richard Doherty

Richard Doherty | Principal Lecturer - Initial Teacher Education Lead

Richard works within our Institute of Education, Arts and Society and currently teaches initial teacher education. 

Matthew Robson-2

Matthew Robson | Associate Professor

Matthew works within our Institute of Science and Environment and currently teaches forest ecology & climate.

Richard Francksen

Richard Francksen | Senior Lecturer in Zoology

Richard works within our Institute of Science and Environment and currently teaches zoology. 

Richard Johnson-2

Richard Johnson | Associate Professor in Science and Environment

Richard works within our Institute of Science and Environment and currently teaches geography. 

Volker Deecke-2

Professor Volker Deecke | Professor

Volker works within our Institute of Science and Environment and currently teaches wildlife conservation.

Kathryn Wain

Kathryn Wain | Principal Lecturer

Kathryn works within our Institute of Health and currently teaches sport & health. 

Dr Elizabeth Bates

Dr Elizabeth Bates | Associate Professor - Family Violence & Abuse

Elizabeth works within our Institute of Health and currently teaches domestic violence and abuse.

Susie Wilson

Susie Wilson | Principal Lecturer

Susie works within our Institute of Health and currently teaches occupational therapy.

Ian Corrie

Dr Ian Corrie | Associate Professor, Leadership and Innovation

Ian works within our Institute of Health and currently teaches leadership and adult learning psychology. 

Angus Carpenter

Dr Angus I. Carpenter | Lecturer in Ecology and Conservation

Angus works within our Institute of Science and Environment and currently teaches applied conservation & ecology.

Angela Anthonisz

Dr Angela Anthonisz | Principal Lecturer in Tourism Management

Angela works within our Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership and currently teaches tourism and visitor economy management.