Experts database

Dr Jonathan Eaton – Pro Vice Chancellor (Learning and Teaching)
Jonathan is the university’s pro vice chancellor for learning and teaching. He has direct oversight of the student experience and outcomes, including leading delivery of the university’s learning, teaching & assessment plan. Jonathan is a principal fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences on higher education.

Claire Aindow – Pro Vice Chancellor (Growth and Development)
Claire is the university’s pro vice chancellor for growth and development. She has responsibility for oversight of the university's growth agenda including ensuring that the university's portfolio matches our regional and national needs and that the university is integrated into and draws from the ecosystems that surround us.

Professor Zulf Ali – Pro Vice Chancellor (Research and Knowledge Exchange)
Professor Zulf Ali is the university’s pro vice chancellor for research and knowledge exchange. He has oversight of a range of research projects and has strategic responsibility for the delivery of our knowledge exchange and research activity in, for and from Cumbria.

Cathy Lambert – Pro Vice Chancellor (Student Journey and Academic Registrar)
Cathy is the university’s pro vice chancellor for student journey and academic registry. She has oversight of student services, quality and standards, admissions. apprenticeships, student systems and data, assessment and award, graduation and much more.

Laura Baxter | Senior Lecturer
Laura works within our Institute of Education, Arts and Society and currently teaches media arts.

Keith Partridge | Lecturer in Wildlife Media
Keith works within our Institute of Education, Arts and Society and currently teaches wildlife media.

Dr Ross Armstrong | Associate Professor in Musculoskeletal & Population Health
Ross works within our Institute of Health and currently teaches musculoskeletal and population health.

Carolyn Kent | Lecturer in Physiotherapy
Carolyn works within our Institute of Health and currently teaches physiotherapy.

Dr Chris Baldwin | Senior Lecturer in Criminology
Chris works within our Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership and currently teaches law and criminology.

Gavin Adams | Director of London Campus
Gavin is the director based at our London campus and has overall strategic and operational responsibility for it.

Claire Inglis | Principal Lecturer, Lead Undergraduate Programmes
Claire works within our Institute of Education, Arts and Society and currently specialises in immersive technologies.

Rob Wilson | Ambleside and Barrow Campus Manager
Rob is based in our student services directorate and has operational responsibility for our Ambleside and Barrow campuses.