Dr Sarah Williams

Academic recognised in Postgrad Awards 2021


The teaching of University of Cumbria academic Dr Sarah Williams has ‘a global impact’, judges of the Postgrad Awards 2021 have recognised.

Dr Williams, senior lecturer in leadership and sustainability within the university’s Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership, has been ‘highly commended’ as Masters Teacher of the Year.

Organisers FindAUniversity.com revealed Postgrad Awards 2021 winners and those highly commended this week.

More than 280 nominations were received this year, including 71 in the Masters Teacher category of which seven outstanding teachers including Dr Williams were shortlisted.

Judges said: “Sarah's teaching has a global impact which is reflected by the large number of students from around the world who supported her nomination for this award.”

Students and alumni of Dr Williams highlighted her devotion to them, the importance and impact of her work, and her commitment to imparting not just her knowledge, but also her passion for her sustainability.

Working with 600 students a year across 180 countries around the world, Dr Williams helps to deliver postgraduate programmes through the university’s partnership with Zurich-based Robert Kennedy College, one of several international partners.

Groups of international postgraduate MBA and LLB students were due to travel to the UK in spring 2020 for residential weeks at the university’s Ambleside and Lancaster campuses. At short notice following the announcement of the UK’s first coronavirus lockdown, Dr Williams was part of the university team that worked to ensure that the students’ residentials went ahead virtually.

Dr Williams said: "It is an honour to be part of such an outstanding team at the University of Cumbria and working in partnership with our students from around the world. Engaging students with change towards a more ethical, responsible and sustainable world is a long-held passion, with both the need and potential for change greater now than ever. 

“I am humbled by the amazing contributions our students are making towards delivering the Sustainable Development Goals and proud to be part of their individuals journeys towards success".

The University of Cumbria is recognised for its contributions towards the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the ‘Global Goals’.

In the Times Higher Education Global Impact Rankings 2020, the University of Cumbria was first in the UK and top 10 worldwide for Quality Education SDG which measures universities’ contribution to lifelong learning, pedagogy, research and commitment to inclusive education.

Dr Karen Hadley, director of the University of Cumbria’s Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership, said: “We are thrilled that Sarah has been recognised in this way. It clearly celebrates the commitment Sarah has to her students at home and around the world, one that is demonstrated by colleagues across our university.

“As Cumbria’s university, we’re delighted to be an anchor institution with regional, national and international reach, relevance and impact and we’re proud of the valuable contributions that our staff, students and alumni make in their chosen professional fields across the world.”

The Postgrad Awards started in 2019 to recognise students, academics and university staff teams whose dedication, determination and passion for their work is outstanding. They are open to Masters and PhD students of any nationality and the academics and teachers who supervise them. Find out more at www.findamasters.com/events/awards/



Dr Sarah Williams, senior lecturer in leadership and sustainability, Institute of Business, Industry and Leadership, University of Cumbria