Archbishop of York confers his first academic awards as new university Chancellor
Special events have taken place to mark the inauguration of the Most Reverend & Right Honourable Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York, as Chancellor of the University of Cumbria.
A formal inauguration ceremony was held yesterday (Wednesday 27 April 2022) in Carlisle Cathedral to welcome Archbishop Stephen, following his appointment as Chancellor in 2020.
The Chancellor was able to confer academic awards upon some of the 2,700 graduands who are taking part in celebrations this week as the University of Cumbria hosts its first graduation ceremonies since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
University Vice Chancellor Professor Julie Mennell said: “This is a very significant occasion for our university. With new campus developments and a joint medical school among our plans for growth, we look forward to Archbishop Stephen sharing in our journey, inspiring and equipping our graduates, communities, economy and environments to thrive now and in the future.”
Archbishop Stephen said: "It’s a huge honour to become Chancellor and I’ve been more excited than I expected to be. Having been someone who struggled a bit in education, and got educated the long and the hard way, it has made me believe in it more than ever and how important it is to unlock potential to create wellbeing, to change lives and change the world.
“I’m excited by the ethos of this university and its particular desire to open up access to education and opportunity for all people.”
A dinner for invited dignitaries and guests also took place in Carlisle yesterday evening.
The 17 graduation ceremonies that began on Monday will come to a close tomorrow (Friday 29 April 2022). They bring together many of those who successfully completed University of Cumbria academic programmes of study in 2020 and 2021 across the academic fields of the arts, education, health, science and environment, and business, industry and leadership.
The celebrations involve graduands and staff from the university’s campus sites in Cumbria, Lancashire and London as well as those who studied via distance or international learning, or off-site in apprenticeships or on other continued professional development programmes.
Watch online
All graduation ceremonies are being streamed live online for the first time. Watch via www.cumbria.ac.uk/graduation.
Ceremonies on Thursday 28 April are at 9.30am, 11.15am, 2pm and 3.45pm. The final ceremony, on Friday 29 April, is at 9.30am.
Everyone attending is being encouraged to share their celebration photos and videos across social media using the hashtag #WeAreCumbria
Biographical information about Archbishop Stephen can be found here
The new Chancellor describes how he's looking forward to the role
The Most Revd and Rt Hon Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York, pictured at Carlisle Cathedral ahead of his formal inauguration ceremony as Chancellor of the University of Cumbria on 27 April 2022
The Most Revd and Rt Hon Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York, conferring academic awards upon University of Cumbria graduates in ceremonies at Carlisle Cathedral on 27 April 2022
The Most Revd and Rt Hon Stephen Cottrell, Archbishop of York, speaking to guests and graduands at Carlisle Cathedral during a ceremony to mark his inauguration as Chancellor of the University of Cumbria, on 27 April 2022
The final graduation is at 9.30am on Friday 29 April.
A Pearson Gold Teaching Award winner, Kerryann Wilson, who is vice principal of Energy Coast UTC at Lillyhall, west Cumbria, will receive the university award of Alumnus of the Year during this final ceremony.
Please contact the university communications team – news@cumbria.ac.uk – if you wish to attend this event or discuss alternative ideas.