Dr Liz Bates

Halifax domestic violence activist honoured for increasing public awareness

An academic from Halifax who researches an issue very often concealed from public eye - male domestic abuse - has been honoured with an award praising her for raising public awareness.

Dr Liz Bates, from the University of Cumbria, was awarded The National Men and Boys Award for Public Understanding, for making an outstanding contribution to the understanding of men and boys and their needs with her research.

Established this year, the National Men and Boys Awards founded by the Men and Boys Coalition charity, recognised individuals and organisations who have made an outstanding contribution to promoting care, compassion and social change for men and boys in the UK.

Believed by the organiser to be the first awards of their kind in the UK, and also the world, Liz was one of six winners announced on 19 November which happens to coincide with International Men’s Day.

The awards took place online, with videos of the three shortlisted nominees for each category, shared on Twitter in the days preceding using the hashtag #MenandBoysAwards.

Accepting her award, Dr Liz Bates, said: “Thank you so much to the people who nominated me for this award – I am absolutely thrilled.

“These awards are such a fantastic opportunity for us to talk about the incredible work that is being done across the UK, helping to tackle issues affecting men and boys and ultimately supporting their wellbeing.”

Dan Bell, CEO, of the Men and Boys Coalition, set up the charity after spotting a need to support men and boys and raise awareness of the many issues that disproportionately affect them.

The Men and Boys Coalition was born out of this to champion the men and boys in the UK.

On Liz’s award, he commented: "I am absolutely delighted that Dr Elizabeth Bates has been named the winner of the Award for Public Understanding, in this the inaugural National Men and Boys Awards. 

“Dr Bates’ research and her academic body of work on male victims of domestic abuse, is quite literally re-shaping the understanding of men’s experiences of these devastating crimes.

"There remains a profound lack of awareness, understanding, service provision and even basic sympathy for male domestic abuse victims – Dr Bates’ crucially important work is opening people’s eyes to an issue that has been hidden for far too long.

"On behalf of all of us at the Men and Boys Coalition, huge congratulations and our deepest gratitude for an outstanding contribution to promoting care, compassion and social change for men and boys in the UK. We couldn't be more proud that she is a member of the Coalition."

Over the past three years, Liz has conducted pioneering research into the experience of male victims of domestic abuse. Her research has shone a spotlight on the hidden issue and consequently, she has become a leading expert having appeared on several TV shows include BBC Inside Out, Channel Four News and other documentaries.


Video of Dr Liz Bates accepting award

Dr Liz Bates outside the Fusehill campus, Carlisle