Daniel Dutton

University of Cumbria help as UCAS application deadline approaches


With additional time granted this month to students and their teachers and advisers to submit university applications, University of Cumbria is offering support to those thinking about starting a degree in 2021.

The university’s outreach and recruitment experts are holding informal support sessions online for potential applicants and those seeking help. The next one is on Wednesday 27 January, 2-3pm.

A dedicated applicant advice service is also running 9am-5pm daily until 29 January with a team on hand to answer any questions and offer advice and information on the application process eg: compiling personal statements, tips for how to manage interviews and auditions, etc.

Friday, 29 January 2021 is the new date for the January equal consideration deadline, as announced by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) earlier this month. It is the point by which the vast majority of applications will be submitted by those looking to start university in the autumn.

The university’s tailored help during this window is in addition to the events, outreach programmes and bespoke packages it provides individuals, schools and others all year round.

University of Cumbria offers undergraduate degrees, postgraduate and professional programmes across academic areas of health, education, arts, business and leadership including policing, and science, natural resources and outdoor studies.

With prospective students increasingly looking for options to study closer to home because of concerns about the long-term impact of the coronavirus pandemic, University of Cumbria has sites across Cumbria, Lancashire and London and offers more than 100 programmes of study via blended and online learning.

Daniel Dutton, Head of Student Recruitment and Outreach at University of Cumbria, said: “UCAS has extended its usual January equal consideration deadline to help relieve the pressure on students and their teachers and advisers, providing additional time to submit applications and references for 2021 university places. It recognises the significant demands on the time of teachers and advisers as they move to online learning.

“Many students will be on track to meet this deadline but we understand that there may be questions that remain so we’re here to help individuals through the application process and also want to support our colleagues in schools, colleges and other education establishments whilst we all adapt to and learn new ways of working at this time.”

Those who want to register for the informal support session on Wednesday, 27 January, or would like to access the university’s applicant advice service, can go online here at www.cumbria.ac.uk/study/how-to-apply/.


Daniel Dutton, Head of Student Recruitment and Outreach, University of Cumbria



  1. UCAS extends January deadline: https://www.ucas.com/corporate/news-and-key-documents/news/ucas-extends-january-deadline-all-applicants
  2. More students choose local universities as Covid rages, The Guardian, 2 January 2021: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/jan/02/students-choose-local-universities-covid-pandemic-rages
  3. For further information, contact university communications officer Kelly Pattison via email at kelly.pattison@cumbria.ac.uk or call 07977 223 258.