Mark Chater pic

Worldviews specialist joins University of Cumbria


Religious Education and leadership expert Dr Mark Chater is joining the University of Cumbria’s respected Institute of Education.

An author, researcher and consultant on religion and worldviews in education, Dr Chater has enjoyed a career spanning over four decades and developed a wealth of specialist knowledge and expertise within the fields of Religious Education, church schools and strategic charity work.

A former national policy-making advisor, Arnside-based Dr Chater becomes a Professor of Practice in Worldviews Education.

News of his appointment follows the recent publication of a research review into religious education by the regulator Ofsted.

Holding various regional, national and international roles, Dr Chater is a theology and ethos adviser for UK-based Christian charity Oasis Global; a trustee/director of Carlisle Diocese’s Good Shepherd Multi-Academy Trust which operates schools across Cumbria and the North East; and he sits on several advisory committees relating to worldviews education, diversity education and RE policy.

He will help to enhance the student teacher experience and support staff within the University of Cumbria’s Institute of Education and its Learning, Education and Development (LED) research centre.

The professor of practice role recognises individuals eminent in their field of practice and seeks to draw on this talent and standing to enhance the curriculum, experience and environment provided to students.

Dr Chater will play a key role in developing masterclass sessions for student teachers.

Liaising with the LED research team, Dr Chater will also help devise events within the field of religious education and leadership including a conference focusing on education and leadership post-pandemic.

The University of Cumbria’s Institute of Education is built on a legacy of education training spanning more than a century and includes foundations created by Charlotte Mason in the Lake District, and St Martin’s College.

Dr Chater said: “The role of Professor of Practice in Worldviews Education is, for me, an intersection of practice and reflection within a university that has such a well-established reputation for excellence in its education for professional sectors.

“The education system faces huge challenges which have been exposed and exacerbated by the pandemic including the growing attainment gap created by intergenerational poverty, the culture wars between traditionalists and progressives over the curriculum and pedagogy, funding and policy challenges in relation to teacher supply and ITE, and the future shape of RE and worldviews education in the light of the Commission report of 2018.

“I hope to contribute to bridging the research-policy and practice-research divides in educational life, as well as enhancing the university’s local, regional, national and global footprint in some pressing frontier issues in education.”

Ruth Harrison-Palmer, director of the Institute of Education, University of Cumbria, said: “Mark will make a significant and valuable contribution to the delivery of our university strategy, which places a strong emphasis on meeting current and future skills needs in the region including that of supporting key workers of tomorrow such as educators.

“Not only this, he will also be involved in activities such as development of our portfolio and providing continued professional development opportunities to those already working within the fields of teaching and the wider education sector.

“By bringing in experienced and respected figures to work in collaboration with the university, our students gain even more real world experience from those who are actively involved at the highest level.”

The University of Cumbria's LED research centre hosts the Assessment in Higher Education network that has a live virtual keynote event featuring two international scholars taking place on Thursday 1 July 2021. For details of the event and its speakers, visit 


Dr Mark Chater, Professor of Practice in Worldviews Education, Institute of Education, University of Cumbria


Ruth Harrison-Palmer, director, Institute of Education, University of Cumbria


* For interview requests, contact communications officer Kelly Pattison - 07977223258,

* Ofsted's research review on religious education: