New six-week part time course launches in Mapping Environmental Assets
Help is on hand for commoners and those working on commons to navigate changes in upland farming and environmental land management say the organisers of a new Cumbria based course.
The Mapping Environmental Assets module has been developed by the University of Cumbria in partnership with Land App. Learners will be supported to produce a multi-layered digital map of public goods for an upland farm, moorland area or nature reserve.
Anyone interested, including in applying for a fully funded place, worth £500 each, needs to apply for both by Friday 3 May, with the course starting on Monday 3 June.
The six week part-time course includes online and in person sessions at the university’s Ambleside campus, plus local farm visits. The course tutor is Jake Moscrop, a farmer and environmental scientist born and raised in Cumbria.
Mapping Environmental Assets is one of a set of continuing professional development (CPD) modules, made available as a result of a unique collaboration between higher education and the farming and land management sector.
Future courses are planned and details can be found here: https://www.cumbria.ac.uk/study/courses/cpd-and-short-courses/iose/
Julia Aglionby, from the Foundation for Common Land and Professor of Practice at the University of Cumbria (pictured left) said: “Mapping via the Land App is a super way for upland farmers, commoners and advisors to optimise income from SFI and CS schemes alongside producing high quality livestock. This course is highly practical and is led by an upland farmer who also works as a farm advisor.
“Join up, learn more about your environmental assets and future proof your business so you are ready for when the new Defra schemes open later this summer,” she added.
The free, or bursary places, are available to common rights holders, anyone working on a farm with common rights, including family members as well as commons owners, and employees of an organisation owning or working on common land.
To apply, visit this web page https://www.cumbria.ac.uk/study/courses/cpd-and-short-courses/mapping-environmental-assets/
The bursaries are funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Foundation for Common Land and the ‘Our Common Cause: Our Upland Commons’ project. Course development has been supported by organisations including Ernest Cook Trust; The Farmer Network; RSPB, National Trust; Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership and the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission, along with Skills Hub Cumbria and the Department for Education’s Strategic Development Fund.
* Starts Monday 3 June 2024, Ambleside – last few places left, including fully funded ones. Closing date is Friday 3 May 2024.