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Study group

Cumbria’s university recognised by Ofsted for quality of apprenticeship provision

The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) has awarded the University of Cumbria a ‘good’ rating for its apprenticeship provision.

Office for Students-2

Degree apprenticeship expansion secures £330,000 further funding

As part of its mission to drive higher-level skills across the North West and beyond, University of Cumbria is receiving a further investment to power its expansion of degree apprenticeships. 

#NAW2024 hero

NAW 2024: University celebrates its degree apprentices

During National Apprenticeship Week 2024, University of Cumbria is celebrating its 2,200-plus students who are studying degree apprenticeships and its collaborations with employers that are driving up higher-level skills regionally and nationally.

Office for Students-2

Funding expands degree apprenticeship provision

Ahead of National Apprenticeship Week 2024, the University of Cumbria is pleased to announce its expansion of its degree apprenticeship provision.

Picture: Forestry Commission
November 2022

Ground-breaking apprenticeship programme for the forestry sector to re-open

The Development Woodland Officer programme, supported by University of Cumbria, offers an exciting career pathway into the forestry sector for people from all backgrounds and abilities.