Work gets underway on city transformation
Work is set to get underway on a site earmarked for a £77.5 million regeneration scheme in Carlisle.
As part of the planned transformation of the Citadels’, demolition will soon start on Paton House buildings at the rear of the site.
Demolition of the Paton House buildings is a key part of setting the groundworks needed for the ambitious city centre redevelopment project.
This initial stage of works is supported by Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership’s £1.782m contribution from the Local Growth Fund.
As part of the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal, £50 million of funding has been allocated to transform the Citadels Buildings and the adjacent site to become a new home for the University of Cumbria, subject to Government approval.
The project is being developed jointly by University of Cumbria, Cumbria County Council and Carlisle City Council working with Cumbria LEP and One Public Estate as key partners.
The demolition works will be undertaken by a contractor working on the partners’ behalf.
The demolition works will start week commencing 19 July and be completed by autumn 2021.
Work has been restricted to 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, and all efforts have been made within the contract to control noise, vibration, dust and disturbance.
Access to Bush Brow will be closed from Victoria Viaduct and also from Borough Street when required during the works and alternative arrangements will be in place for pedestrians.
There will be no impact on pedestrian or vehicular access across Victoria Viaduct.