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Citadels CGI3 (1)

New contractor opportunity for Carlisle Citadels campus development

Work has continued behind the scenes as University of Cumbria prepares to start building its new campus at The Citadels site in Carlisle city centre.

Citadels CGI2

Flagship university campus project is given the go ahead

Planning permission for University of Cumbria’s flagship Carlisle Citadels campus project has been approved today by Carlisle City Council’s Development Control committee.

Citadels CGI3

Funding approved for new University of Cumbria business interaction hub

University of Cumbria is looking forward to strengthening its links with local businesses with the news that funding has been approved to develop the Carlisle Business Exchange (CBE).

Citadels artistic

Transformational Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal to bring multi-million-pound investment to Cumbria

Cumbria is on track to reap major benefits from a multi-million-pound investment through the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal. The Deal has been formally signed today (18 March 2021) by Ministers and Leaders at a virtual ceremony, which will see £350 million government investment to the Borderlands area.