University prepares for community engagement as Barrow campus construction progresses
As construction continues on its Barrow campus, teams across the University of Cumbria are supporting and participating in upcoming community events.
The first students are expected to start degree programmes in Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science and Adult Nursing in September 2025, as the government-funded Brilliant Barrow campus is completed.
Caddick’s build programme is progressing at pace to deliver the facility overlooking Buccleuch Dock, adjacent to BAE Systems Submarines Academy for Skills and Knowledge (SASK).
Above - progress July 2024 - January 2025 at the University of Cumbria Barrow campus
Ahead of this, University of Cumbria has outreach activities that will be taking place, and the university is supporting several exciting community events on the Barrow calendar as it raises awareness of its presence in area.
They include:
- ‘Thinking of becoming a primary teacher?’ event tomorrow on 6 February at Chetwynde School www.scmat.org.uk/thinking-of-becoming-a-primary-teacher/
- hosting a Discover Nursing event on 13 February at The Careers Inspiration Hub, Portland Walk Barrow: Discover Nursing 13th February 2025
- hosting biweekly drop ins at The Careers Inspiration Hub, Portland Walk from 19 February
- hosting twilight Step into Mechanical Engineering sessions, virtually on 19 February Get into Engineering: Barrow and in-person on 6 March at The Bridge, Portland Walk Get into Engineering: Barrow
- hosting a B2B ‘Shaping a Tech and Innovation enabled workforce' workshop on 5 March at The Bridge, Portland Walk Shaping a Tech and Innovation Enabled Workforce | University of Cumbria
- supporting Furness College's Furness STEM show on 11 and 12 March 2025 Furness STEM Show – Furness Education and Skills Partnership
- supporting BAE Systems Future You Day on 17 March
- supporting the Love Barrow awards that take place on 4 April, sponsoring the Oak Tree Award
- hosting a University of Cumbria open day on 13 June, The Bridge, Portland Walk
- liaising with Barrow BID to support Dave Day (21 and 22 June), Festival of Transport (19 July) and Soapbox Derby (16 August) amongst other community days
Meanwhile, a planning application submitted continues to progress through the formal local authority planning process. The university is seeking permission to extend the two-story campus that will provide specialist facilities for nursing programmes, supporting health trusts and employers to build the skills and workforce for local communities.
University of Cumbria Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Brian Webster-Henderson OBE said:
“Barrow has a vibrant community, and we’re thrilled to be hosting, participating and supporting a full range of community events scheduled this year. Working with partners, our reach and presence continues to grow in Barrow and across the wider South Cumbria area in line with our Towards 2030 strategic aims. The campus will play a key role in enhancing and inspiring the town’s education provision, and we are strategically working in partnership to ensure the Barrow area has the skills needed to support its economic growth.”
Notes to editors
On July 27, 2019, the Prime Minister announced that the Towns Fund would support an initial 101 places across England to develop Town Deal proposals, to drive economic regeneration and deliver long-term economic and productivity growth. See further details of the announcement: PM speech at Manchester Science and Industry Museum - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
A Town Deal is an agreement in principle between Government, the lead council and the Town Deal Board. It will set out a vision and strategy for the town, and what each party agrees to do to achieve this vision. See the 101 places being supported to develop Town Deals: list-of-100-places.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Each of the 101 towns selected to work towards a Town Deal also received accelerated funding last year for investment in capital projects that would have an immediate impact and help places “build back better” in the wake of Covid-19. View a list of accelerated funding by place: towns-fund-accelerated-funding-grants.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)